Labelling Insanity

In the interest of letting me know that, from time to time, I may be a little extreme in searching out only the healthiest foods, my subtle husband reported yesterday that I can now buy organic Gummy Bears! I smiled at the joke but he backed up his claim by actually showing me an article he’d read.

“Nobody would ever be taken in by such labelling silliness,” I said!

At dinner time, however, I reached into my cupboard, pulled out a jar of Pink Himalayan Salt…and noticed it was labelled “Verified GMO-Free!” My face took on a hue approximating the color of the salt in question. I had fallen victim to labelling hype.

Can you imagine the daring? A genetically unmodified mineral, sodium chloride! Are we lucky or what? What the marketing crazies will think of next? Perhaps they’ll stick labels on water bottles: “This water is GMO-Free!”

They may be preferable to the usual product, but before I pick up a handful of organic Gummy Bears, I think I’ll reach instead for a nice piece of organic, (GMO-free, gluten-free) fruit.

3 thoughts on “Labelling Insanity

  1. Trust me Judy. You are not unique in getting caught up in the actual or implied labeling. I once bought lean ground turkey breast. When I got home I discovered th e “lean” turkey was over 50% fat. I do not know how that is even physically possible, but I learned yet again buyer beware. There’s a lot of mislabeling out there to attract buyers.


  2. Joanne says:

    What’s new? Whatever sells, they’ll put on a label! I get a charge out of the fact that the grocery stores now are filling almost a full aisle of what is labelled: “gluten free”. I rest my case.


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