More than one way to skin a…pumpkin

There’s no pie shell in this pumpkin pie mousse recipe but, after all, it’s the filling that’s the tasty part anyway, right?  I love Jo’s idea of filling custard cups with the yummy mousse, then topping with chopped toasted pecans.  I might be inclined to add a dollop of macadamia cream, too.

To make macadamia cream couldn’t be easier (well, actually, it IS easier if you happen to have a high-powered blender).  If you don’t, you will want to soak the macadamia nuts over night and then blend them with a tablespoon or two of water until creamy.  Adding a quarter teaspoon of vanilla is optional; we purists don’t want anything to interfere with the yummy taste of the macadamias.

So, here you go:

Vegan Pumpkin Pie Mousse By Jo Stepaniak

Serves: 2 servings, Prep time: 5 minutes


  • 1 ripe banana, broken into pieces
  • ½ cup canned pumpkin purée or sweet potato purée
  • ¼ cup light coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted creamy peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1⁄8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Pinch ground cloves or allspice
  • Instructions
  1. Put all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and process until smooth.
  2. Spoon the mixture evenly into two small custard cups.
  3. Serve the pumpkin pie mousse immediately or cover tightly and chill for up to 3 hours.


Pecan Pie Mousse Option: Sprinkle 1 heaping tablespoon of chopped toasted pecans over each serving. Leftover Tip: Don’t know what to do with the remaining pumpkin purée? Just freeze it in half-cup portions. That way, you can defrost it overnight in the fridge and be ready to make this scrumptious mousse first thing in the morning. Alternatively, use leftover pumpkin purée in a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie.

8 thoughts on “More than one way to skin a…pumpkin

  1. Lorraine Wullenjohn says:

    Thank you for the excellent pumpkin recipes. I’m sure I will eat these all year round.

    On Nov 13, 2016 3:34 PM, “Healthy Eating Adventure – Yuma, AZ” wrote:

    > judygresser posted: “There’s no pie shell in this pumpkin pie > mousse recipe but, after all, it’s the filling that’s the tasty part > anyway, right? I love Jo’s idea of filling custard cups with the yummy > mousse, then topping with chopped toasted pecans. I might be inclined to” >


  2. grace z Lovett says:

    hello Judy. how are you all doing ! I’m glad the basket went well, were there many more objects from other groups ? I miss you all, -the weather is fantastic,( as usual) but I miss my friends. I am finally somewhat free to attend my new OA meetings here…I am thinking positive. BTW, is that what you and Lorraine call yourselves , vegan puritans? until later my friend…graciella

    On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 2:34 PM, Healthy Eating Adventure – Yuma, AZ wrote:

    > judygresser posted: “There’s no pie shell in this pumpkin pie > mousse recipe but, after all, it’s the filling that’s the tasty part > anyway, right? I love Jo’s idea of filling custard cups with the yummy > mousse, then topping with chopped toasted pecans. I might be inclined to” >


  3. judygresser says:

    Oh Grace! We miss you BIG TIME! Do you think it’s possible that you’ll be able to attend the Yuma OA Outreach event on Saturday afternoon, February 4th? It would be great to see you!

    Yes, there were other baskets also, but ours was definitely the best. Thank you again for your efforts and talent.

    I think the word you’re referencing is “Nutritarian”. That’s what Dr. Joel Fuhrman calls people who follow a nutrient-dense diet. If you’re interested in learning more, I really recommend the book: Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD It’s a real eye-opener. Let me know what you think. He has written other good books, also, such as “The End of Dieting” which is the one we study at the Healthy Eating Adventure, Yuma.

    Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.


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